
Upcoming Monograph Publication, 2025

Elisavet Hasa, Building Solidarity  Architectures: Collective Care in Times of Crisis (London: Goldsmiths Press/ MIT Press, 2025).

Published by the Goldsmiths Press / MIT Press (2025).

Paperback, 248pp.

Series Spatial Politics:

The Spatial Politics Series is an inventive interdisciplinary series of books examining spatial politics at various geographical and critical scales-from the domestic to the neighbourhood to the global.

Cover design by Heather Ryerson:

The book cover uses imagery by the author from makeshift pharmacies set-up on the ground for protesters during long-term demonstrations in Greece. The colour palette evokes the bright, contrasting hues of medical capsules.

Graham Foundation Grant for Publication, 2023

Awarded for my upcoming book publication: Elisavet Hasa, Building Solidarity  Architectures: Collective Care in Times of Crisis (London: Goldsmiths Press/ MIT Press, 2025). 


Based on the foreground of a prolonged financial crisis, global pandemic, and structural and racial violence, Building Solidarity Architectures explores how solidarity and decolonial movements are creating spaces of collective care, filling in as providers of welfare services and in multiple contexts as the first responders in support of disenfranchised communities. By defining state abandonment as a constantly resurging logic of withdrawal of services and maintenance of welfare infrastructures that affects predominantly the most marginalised groups, the book offers the readers a lens to recognise forms of state abandonment in various localities and the potential collective responses to them. The book is also about the materiality that results from this contestation and, as such, is embedded in primary sources such as participant testimonies, activist texts, visuals, and images to offer a rich and engaging account of the “lived architecture” of the everyday, mundane, and prosaic spaces of collective care. It ultimately investigates how mutual aid and solidarity can also function as a material resource that counteracts the materiality of abandonment resurfacing in times of crisis. By exploring solidarity "as a way of life," Building Solidarity Architectures helps us envision new places of liberation, reorganise the ways we live together, and reproduce the tools we collectively created during times of crisis.

Elisavet Hasa, “Building Infrastructures of Solidarity and Care in the City,”

Lecture, “The Infraordinary” Graz Architecture Lectures series 2022/2023, Technical University of Graz, Austria, April 20-21, 2023. ︎︎︎

LSBU Architecture Catalogue and Exhibition

Work by BA Studio 5, led by Dr Elisavet Hasa and Elham Valikhani

Project by Veronika Zahura

Project by Holly McLean

Elisavet Hasa, “In the Absence of Care: Building Solidarity in Athens,”

Essay, The Avery Review, Issue 54 (October 2021)

Assembling a Distributed Archive

Fieldwork and ethnographic research in Europe & the US:

Situated knowledge and archival research
(2016 — present)


Elisavet Hasa, “Open-source Urbanism in Times of Crisis,” 

Co-organiser of the symposium “Point of Creation,”  London South Bank University, London, June 09, 2023.

#This Is A Co-op
Greek Pavilion at the Architecture Venice Biennale 2016 “Reporting From the Front”

Architect-member of the collective forming the curatorial team (Association of Greek Architects)

︎︎︎#ThisIsACo-op Booklet

︎︎︎#ThisIsACo-op Archive

Elisavet Hasa, “Out of Architecture: An Exodus and a Multitude of Outcomes,”

Book chapter, in #ThisIsACo-op Catalogue of the Greek Participation at the 15th Venice Architectural Biennale, ed. by the Association of Greek Architects (Athens: Ministry of Tourism in Greece, 2016)

“Architecture, Social Movements and Collective Equipments,” with Platon Issaias

Lecture, “South: Space and non hegemonic paradigms of knowledge” programme, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Online (Zoom), Jan 28, 2021.


“Global Crises: COVID-19 & Climate Change,”

Organiser & Moderator for the Public Discussion with Anna Lisa McSweeney (Architects Climate Action Network – ACAN) and Stephanie Edwards (Urban Symbiotics, RIBA London Councilor).

Part of The Architecture Lobby – London Chapter events & The Green New Deal Group of T-A-L. Online (Zoom), April 25, 2020.


“Radical Policy by Architects: Designing and Thinking with Architectural Collectives,”

Round table discussion with David Roberts (UCL) and the United Voices of the World – Section of Architectural Workers (UVW-SAW), at the “Economies of Exhaustion: The Ethics of Academic, Architectural, Artistic Labour” symposium, Bartlett School of Architecture, London, UK, Feb 05, 2020.


“The Rise of Solidarity Movements and the Architecture of Collective Equipment in Athens during the Years of Crisis,”

Presentation, “Structural Instabilities: History, Environment, and Risk in Architecture” conference, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, Philadelphia, PA, April 06, 2018.


Participation in the 10th Biennale of Young Greek Architects, organised by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture

Fatura Collaborative, Exhibition 2021 — 2022

Image courtesy of ek magazine


“Where Do We Go from Here?”

Public discussion, KAENA Talks, Official Side Event of the European Bauhaus Festival on the Green New Deal. Together with Mara Angelidou (InCommon) and Natassa Dourida (Communitism). Moderated by Christos Montse. June 9, 2022, Petralona, Athens, Greece.

“The Constitution of Solidarity Clinics and Pharmacies as Spaces for Collective Care and the Effects on Marginalized Groups in Greece,”

Conference paper and round table discussion, ‘Making-Do’ in Urbanism and the Arts 2020 conference, College of Design, University of Oregon, Online (Zoom), Nov 20, 2020.

“Πόλη, Πολιτικές και Αυτοσχέδιες Αστικές Πρακτικές στη Σύγχρονη Αθήνα,”

Ερευνητική εργασία του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών 2012-2013. Πανεπιστημιο Πατρας- Τμημα Αρχιτεκτονων Μηχανικών, Φοιτήτρια: Ελισάβετ Χάσα, Επιβλέπων καθηγητής: Πάνος Δραγώνας.

Title in English:  “Polis, Politics and Ad hoc Urban Practices,” U ndergraduate research dissertation, School of Architecture, University of Patras, Greece (2013). Supervised by Prof Panos Dragonas.

︎︎︎  Book of the dissertation (in Greek)

“Cooperative Model of Interventions with the Residents of Academia Platonos Park in Athens”,

Undergraduate Diploma design thesis - Live project.
School of Architecture, University of Patras, Greece (2015).  Supervised by Prof Panos Dragonas.

This was a live project in a contested area of the city —Plato’s Academy Park in Athens— and proposed a cooperative model of design interventions based on the concept of urban commons and proposed  a circular economy model for the self-management of the park by the communities of residents. At the same time we designed together with the residents and the Municipality of Athens two open-air sites of archaelogical display, which were built during the following year.

London, UK